Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mystery Parade

I'm headed out to join Kyle for 2 weeks in Idaho, but I wanted to write a short post about a mystery I ran across last night.

I went out to the grocery store after work to buy some food for dinner.  On my way there, I thought to myself, "boy, there sure are a lot of people going into the high school", but since I didn't remember biking past the high school at that time of day, I really thought nothing more about it.

Until my way home from the store.

The people weren't going in to the high school... they were standing around on the street.  And there was a policeman directing traffic at the intersection between my apartment and the high school.   It was very mysterious to me until I saw what was happening just behind the school in the athletic fields

There were tons of hand built floats and teams of students!  It was fascinating.

Nothing looked like it has started yet, so I ran off to my apartment and got my camera.

Just in time because the parade started not much later.

The floats were really creative.  And they looked pretty cool too.  I think they were all made of wire mesh, and then covered in paper.  Inside each float was a light, so they were all glowing... even though you can't tell in the photos.

Because of the lights, the students had to push a generator on a dolly to provide power.  I thought that was pretty funny.

It was a very interesting parade, and I have no idea what it was about.  I didn't stay very long.  I was hungry!

That's all for now

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