Saturday, March 3, 2012

Preview to the new place

Kyle and I will be moving from our current place to a new apartment at the beginning of April.  Yesterday I went by to visit my friend Catherine, who currently lives in the same apartment building.  The new apartment will have many small differences from our current one, but we're excited about the change.

The photo above is of our current apartment building.  Very new, very modern. Only ~20 minutes to my office, but pretty far from everything else.
It was snowing hard and was very windy when I went on my walk to visit Catherine-- disappointing after two days of sunny weather above freezing!

Here is the new apartment building from afar.  There's a big open area between the building and the main road. We're hoping this means that in the summer there will be an open grassy place for picnics or frisbee.  But we're not sure what's underneath all the snow.

Our new apartment will be on the 2nd floor.  I think it's one of the two in the middle of the photo, but I'm not certain.

There's some building to the east of the apartments.  It had beautiful icicles hanging off it.  I'm not sure what's in the building.

Here's the backside of the new apartment building.  The little covered sheds are where we'll store our bicycles.

This is the door to our apartments.  I think the window on the 2nd floor on the left will be our window.  But we'll know for certain in 4 weeks.

My new walk to my office will no longer involve going through a field.  Instead I'll be walking along this road, then down the main road of campus.

My old walk home-- beautiful, but very cold if windy, like it was yesterday.

That's all for now.  We'll keep you updated!
-Bre (and Kyle)


  1. Exciting! Where is this new building? near where I lived? Or... If near my building, I really like the walk from there.

  2. It's the same building you lived in. Apartment 23-- same layout as your place was, but with everything mirrored.

  3. and what brought on this move?
    ever curious,
