Thursday, May 10, 2012

More Spring Flowers

I wanted to send out collection of spring flower photos that have been languishing on my little point-and-shoot camera.  Some of these photos are from the Botanical Gardens, some from Hokkaido University, and some from private gardens near our apartment.

Yellow Star of Bethlehem

Two photos of hyacinths

A carpet of primrose

A yellow swamp flower that I don't know the name of.

More primrose

I think this is a trillium

I don't know this one

"Wild" growing tulips on campus.

A distant garden near the orchard on campus.

Below are two close-ups of the tulip garden.

Not a flower...  A bust of William Clark, founder of Hokkaido University

The three below are from a garden on my bike ride into my office.

That's all for now.

-Bre (and Kyle)


  1. The blue flower was corydalis, some forms of which are used for pain in Chinese medicine...lovely tulips! Can we see some more cherry blossoms?

  2. have you been back to the botanical garden? I bet it's a whole new thing right now...

  3. The yellow swamp flowers look like marsh marigolds to me.

  4. Inquiring minds from RAH are wondering how things are! It seems you may have gotten a job or 2 as well. How are things with both of you?

    1. We are well. It is spring here and Sapporo is very pretty in the spring. We have had many visitors which is both a blessing and a curse. I have found several volunteer opportunities to teach english. My favorite has been teaching English to disabled children. They are a lot of fun. I have not found job. There are many reasons why it has been difficult to find work in Japan. It is a foreign land (compared to America) and they do things differently here. We have been taking a Japanese class, which have been very helpful. I think after 1 year of class I should know enough Japanese to get by in an average conversation. So by the time we move back to the US I should have all the skills needed to work in Japan. Ironic isn't it? I am enjoying taking it easy, so think of me when the phones are ringing off the hook and you have to work late... :)

  5. Definitely marsh marigolds. They grow all over the Pacific Northwest, must be native to the other side of the pacific.
    thanks for the pictures.

  6. Yellow Star of Bethlehem
    ->Gagea nakaiana Kitag.

  7. A yellow swamp flower that I don't know the name of.
    ->Caltha palustris L.

  8. I don't know this one

    thank you for your site.
    I am korean 75 years old.
