Monday, December 26, 2011

Bre's walk to work

Last week I decided to take photos of my walk into work.  I held the camera in front of myself at the level of my belly button.  Every 20 steps I would take a photo.  Today I downloaded the photos, straightened them (apparently I'm not very good at holding the camera straight when it is at my stomach) and put the photos together into a movie.

The movie takes 2 minutes, but my walk takes about 20 minutes.

Ironically, even though I took these photos only a few days ago, there's been so much snow in the last week, that my walk to work does not look the same anymore.  There are more piles of snow along the edges of roads and in parking lots.  The steps where I have to go through the fence into the field have almost disappeared in the snow.

Hopefully, my little video gives you a sense of my daily life here.



  1. It snowed even more last night. Now, the snow covers the concrete at the bottom of the fence in the picture above.

  2. Bre-

    Nice! I didn't realize it was so snowy there. And there are bicycles in the racks outside the buildings!

  3. It's crazy how many people are still riding their bicycles when the road is covered in snow and ice.

  4. You've already had more snow that Philadelphia has so far. We saw flying mini flakes but they didn't make it to the ground today.
    So it's more fun watching the snow in Japan!
