Thursday, December 15, 2011

Random Thoughts

Another shopping adventure.  Bre and I went to a new grocery store with a sweet tooth.  We decided to get some cookies from the store and bought the package below.  Once we opened them up Bre said "these taste weird."  I tried one and thought these taste like booze!  I can't read the label so I can't tell you what kind of cookie this is, but I am 100% certain there is alcohol in these.  It has been cooked down, so you don't actually get drunk. 

 We went on a walk yesterday to JR station to buy tickets for skiing on Saturday.  The ground was very slippery.  I kidded Tanya, Adit, and Bre that they look like 3 ducklings waddling along in a line.  The ground here can be very slippery in the middle of the day.  I call it the Sapporo Ice Rink.  All the snow compacts and starts to melt in the  middle of the day.  Then in the evening it cools down and freezes all over again.

After going to JR station Bre and I went to the Hello Work office, the Japanese version of employment security office where they help job seekers find work.  It was in a part of town that we had not been to before, but armed with our directions we caught the streetcar and found the office on time.  When we arrived I learned that with my visa status as a dependent I can't seek work and was directed back to the immigration control office to work on changing my visa status.  We also got directions for where to go for free Japanese classes.  There are several places in Sapporo where volunteers teach Japanese.  Bre and I plan to try out these classes to start learning Japanese.

On the way back Bre and I found this guy doing magic tricks and juggling in the underground walkway connecting Odori Park to JR station.  In this photo he is magically pressing a bottle cap up from below the soda bottle into the bottle.  Just take my word for it that it was magical.  I was fascinated by how he was not collecting money and seemed to be doing the whole show by himself.  He would take breaks from his magic routine to reprogram his ipod music.

 This is the Xmas chance station inside JR station.  It is like a lottery that you enter, the requirements to enter are having 5 Xmas tickets.  The Xmas tickets can be picked up when you make a purchase at any of the stores in JR station.  There is a list of prizes on the right side of the photo including getaway vacations and cash prizes.  I am saving up my Xmas tickets to enter. 

 I have been wanting to get photos of these warning signs on the escalators for a long time now.  If you have been wondering what the dangers are on an escalator look no further.

 This photo is also from JR station.  I like the name Twinkle Plaza Travel Service.  It just seems so Japanese.
That's all for now.

-Kyle (and Bre)


  1. I got the cookies because I thought the cream filling would be fruit flavored. When I first tried them I thought they might be raisin flavored (I don't like raisins), but now I think they're brandy flavored.

  2. They really like to cover all their bases with the warnings don't they?! I find these very interesting, and wouldn't mind seeing more if you find some (i recall seeing another one in an earlier post i think).

    BTW, i like the new blog design. Well, i don't know how new it actually is since i've been reading the RSS feed since i think the second post and haven't actually visited the blog itself. It's very clean looking and I love the transparencies. Did you make the background picture or did you find a template somewhere?

    Looking forward to the skiing pictures! Be careful not to break your camera though... i've had several close calls while skiing and photographing at the same time.

  3. seems as if yaktrax would be popular items, at least for those who have to get around during the midday skating rink...

  4. Hi Alex. Glad you like the blog design. We chose this design from the Blogspot templates. It seems appropriate given the amount of snow outside and the humidity in our apartment. Actually we picked it back in Seattle, but it seemed appropriate there too.

  5. Watch out for people viciously elbowing you in the back on the escalator. At least that's what the warning label seems to be saying.
