Friday, November 25, 2011

Bre's Shopping Mistakes- Part 1

Here's the first installment of Bre's attempt to document the small details of life in Japan...  Imposing American expectations on Japanese realities can result in confusion, hilarity, and/or bewilderment.

So I got really excited at the store the other day when I saw this:

 I thought: "Oh boy!  Peanut Butter!"

But of course, it was not.
Kyle opened it first over lunch yesterday while I was at work.  He called me with the results; he said it was not peanut butter, rather is was "peanut-flavored jam".  This was not easy for me to picture, so I checked it out first thing when I got home last night.

 "Peanut-flavored jam" is slightly tasty but mostly disgusting.  It looks like caramel.  It spreads on your bread like caramel.  It tastes like peanut-flavored candy.

I think we will not buy this again.

That's all for now.  I'm sure the future will be filled with potential blog topics.

-Bre (and Kyle)


  1. Bre - I can imagine your disappointment! Pictures can be so deceiving. :) I like that you are always so adventurous.

  2. Oh man, so disappointing! I think peanut butter is hard to find everywhere except the US. My friend in London used to travel all the way to the other side of the city every few months to buy peanut butter at some shop that had American foods. In Malaysia, we found it at the regular grocery store but it came in tiny jars and was VERY expensive, even for American standards.

    It's fun to see you writing on the blog! I know how it goes - our is about 80% me and 10% Ryan. =)

  3. Maybe the "peanut jam" was meant to fill mochi dumplings? Was there any kind of pictograph on the container to give a clue?

    Have you found fresh mochi yet? One book I have calls it "rice taffy" and that's not too far off. We can get it sometimes. It is soft and chewy and sort of gooey, not like the hard, pressed mochi cake for baking. When the delivery van comes, everyone standing in the checkstand line grabs their cell phones and calls Mom. Mochi is a winter tradition -- once was a sort of family thing with everyone taking a turn pounding it.

  4. We have not found fresh Mochi yet. I am keeping an eye out for it. Thanks for the suggestion!
